
Posts Tagged ‘interns’

Albane's watercolour of our farm

Albane's watercolour of our farm

and time to make our lives extra ordinary … our wonderful french interns Elodie and Albane left today after two months of being here with us like an extended family and we feel sad and bereft of their youth , enthusiasm and exuberance for life… I secretly bottled some it so I can take a few swigs when there are a milion things to do (as always) and no one here to do them all … cloning myself would be a plan but Paul couldn’t stand the tenfold Shouty McShouts that would inevitably follow.. and I would drive my own self mad too !

Forgot to give them the box of french fancies bought especially to show them what real “french” patisserie could be like .. oh dear !  well the whole size zero idea for summer was never going to happen was it !! having opened the box (to look at them and assess the packaging ) the colours are still surprisingly and refreshingly “70’s”.. and are oozing with delcious E numbers… whoa there horsey … I will not be tempted by their siren call tonight …

Otherwise have FINALLY put up the Billy the purple steel  Buffalo at the roadside (its ok now keith ! neither Rome , nor Sussex Prairies  for that matter, was built in a day !)

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